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What is No Code and Low Code? Examples and Benefits

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Software development has revolutionized business management and the way employees work in a business. Low code and no code platforms are the main examples of tools that allow employees to create applications quickly and efficiently without the need for extensive programming knowledge.

Both methodologies enable the creation of new applications and visualization of reports through intuitive drag-and-drop tools. These reduce and eliminate the need to hire a third party to perform these actions, saving time and money.

In the following blog post, we will explain what no code and low code are, their differences, their benefits, and how software combining both methodologies looks.

Low Code:

Tools of this kind allow users to efficiently and automatically develop, create, and edit applications. They are platforms with a low code content, enabling any employee with basic programming knowledge to customize functionalities, models, and preconfigured templates.

Generally, these tools are used to create applications with a longer lifecycle, solutions that integrate with complex corporate systems, or the creation of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). These low code platforms aim to help employees be more efficient in completing tasks, eliminating the need to waste time on repetitive tasks or writing long lines of code.

The main benefits of these platforms include:

  1. Comprehensive digitization: Manages the entire lifecycle from organizing and managing the business and customer database to the architecture of applications.
  2. High level of customization and integration: Ability to integrate with third-party applications and adapt to business needs with low code.
  3. Workflow management: Simple drag-and-drop interface that optimizes business processes and operations.

No Code:

Platforms designed for users with zero programming or coding knowledge to create short-lived applications. Typically used in simple businesses or manual processes that do not require connections to third-party systems.

No code platforms have attractive, easy-to-use, and intuitive designs with drag-and-drop interfaces. The system easily adapts to the requirements and needs of businesses of any size.

For businesses that are just starting or SMEs, this management system is ideal for creating applications from scratch without knowledge. If the business grows and succeeds, it will eventually need custom-developed applications.

Creatio: Low Code No Code

It is a development platform that combines both low code and no code methodologies. It allows companies of any size to scale and adapt various processes easily and simply. Creatio's CRM platform combines customer relationship management with business process management (BPM).

The goal is to improve the customer experience by optimizing internal business processes. The CRM software allows employees to have control over all tools to perform tasks efficiently. All information is shared with other employees in the company. Customer information recorded in Creatio's CRM system comes from multiple channels, allowing for a 360° view of individual customer profiles.

learn more about Creatio Low Code No Code

Benefits of Low Code No Code Platforms:

Platforms of this style bring several advantages for business management:

  1. Autonomy and freedom: Users do not need a third party, programming or computer expert to request help or tasks. Low code no code offers predefined functionalities, reports, and models that allow easy creation or editing, saving time on tasks or actions.
  2. Low initial cost: Savings on investment in systems, infrastructure, and programming experts. This benefit makes these platforms suitable for SMEs or companies that do not want to spend large sums of money.
  3. Collaboration: Any user can access the platform and share information, data, and application creation to facilitate the work of the entire business.
  4. Increased automation: Users can automate workflows to facilitate task loading and save working time through basic rules for proper decision-making.
  5. Agility: Ease, simplicity, and speed for the development, modification, and adaptation of applications to any changes required by the business.
  6. Better Customer Experience: Through tools, application updates, collaborations between users, and more, businesses have a greater ability to add value to customers and generate loyalty.
  7. Scalability: The platform can easily grow with the business, adapting and growing based on the needs of users and customers.
  8. Visualization: Users can observe data, information, customer interactions in real time. The tools allow changes in how all available information looks through filters or editing.

Differences between Low Code and No Code:

While both methodologies serve business management, they have some differences that can be important when choosing the one that best suits employees and business strategy.

  1. Technical skills required:

    - Low Code: Requires little manual coding, although basic or intermediate technical knowledge is still needed to fully utilize low-code platforms. It can be useful for experienced developers looking to accelerate the development process.
    - No Code: Designed specifically for users with no programming experience. Platforms are intuitive and intended to be used by anyone, even without technical knowledge.

  2. Flexibility and Complexity:

    - Low Code: Offers more flexibility and the ability to create complex applications. Developers can access the code when necessary for specific adjustments or more advanced integrations.
    - No Code: More limited in terms of the complexity of applications that can be built. Designed for simpler use cases and does not require any coding knowledge.

  3. Customization and Scalability:

    - Low Code: Allows greater customization and is ideal for applications that need to scale or adapt to specific business, employee, and customer requirements.
    - No Code: More limited in terms of customization and not of the same level of scalability as solutions developed with low code.

  4. Development Speed:

    - Low Code: Enables rapid development by significantly reducing the time required for coding from scratch.
    - No Code: Even faster than low code, as it completely eliminates the need to write and create code.


The no code/low code methodology is here to stay as it transforms the way software development is conceived for business management. While it will not completely replace traditional development, it offers a powerful and accessible alternative that drives digital transformation.

In addition, it allows employees from various fields to participate in the creation of technological solutions without having extensive knowledge in programming or creating code lines.

A new era begins where creativity and vision can be translated into applications with just a few clicks and the drag-and-drop system. The future of software development is innovative and accessible to everyone.

Consult with our specialists for guidance and start implementing no code/low code platforms in your business!


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