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What is BPM? Meaning and Operation

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BPM (Business Process Management) aims to improve the operations and internal processes of companies so that desired strategic objectives can be achieved. In this article, we will focus on explaining what BPM is, its functions, and why it is essential for the optimization and automation of business processes.

Key BPM Concepts

In the business and SME world, efficiency, agility, and process automation play a key role in optimizing internal areas.

To begin understanding the daily issues in business processes and how to solve them, it is important to start with the explanation and definition of what BPM (Business Process Management) is and then understand its qualities and benefits when choosing it.

BPM is a managerial and organizational discipline that seeks to improve and optimize business outcomes through the analysis and control of all processes, both jointly and individually. It helps and allows for a current analysis to identify areas of opportunity to make the organization more efficient. These analyses allow each area to introspect on what is being done inefficiently and what points need improvement.

A central point to consider in understanding BPM is that it considers processes as interconnected parts of a system and not separately individual. The goal is to align all aspects of the organization, from people to technology, to have a smooth and harmonious execution.

Importance and Benefits of BPM for Companies

BPM helps to have an overall view of the company and its processes: from the beginning to where they end. The information collected in the analysis allows finding and determining areas that are inefficient and hindering proper and productive management. Without internal organization, a company's processes can have failures, redundancies, operational inefficiencies, and slowness.

The BPM system indirectly seeks to generate value for the customer through the coordination of all internal company processes. It allows defining and reflecting transparently the business processes. The idea is to align all processes to consequently reach business objectives.


The adoption of BPM software can generate a series of benefits and productivity improvements for organizations and their employees:

- Operational Efficiency: Automation and optimization of processes lead to higher operational efficiency by reducing duplicated efforts and minimizing errors. Additionally, it increases and improves the number of activities executed simultaneously efficiently. The communication time between all areas of the company is reduced.
- Agility: With well-defined and adaptable processes, organizations can respond more agilely to changes in the business environment as a clear and easy-to-follow workflow is created over time.
- Quality Improvement: Constant monitoring allows early identification of problems and implementation of solutions, improving the quality of products and services. It allows a complete understanding of how the current business process is performing and how to solve it to prolong it continuously and integratively.
- Visibility and Transparency: BPM provides a clear view of how operations work, facilitating informed decision-making. It also minimizes access time to information through the analysis and organization of resources within the company, such as documentation and databases.
- Innovation: By freeing up resources through automation, companies can focus on innovation and creating new opportunities. By restructuring and digitizing the steps of the business process, complexity is reduced, providing greater stability and transparency within the company.

Key Functions

1. Identification and Design of Processes: The first step is to recognize key processes within a company and define how they should ideally flow in the future. This involves creating process maps that illustrate the stages, responsibilities, and interactions between each step to try to develop them as efficiently as possible.

Additionally, a series of business strategies and objectives that must be achieved with the development of the business process are established:

- Strategic objectives
- Vision, mission, and values
- Customer value
- Business indicators

2. Automation and Execution: With the design in place, BPM seeks the automation of tasks and activities through the use of technological tools. This reduces dependence on manual tasks prone to errors and allows more consistent execution. At the same time, it determines which tasks or areas are not adding value to the customer or the company, to optimize or eliminate them directly.

3. Monitoring and Control: Continuous monitoring and tracking are essential to assess the performance of implemented processes. BPM software uses metrics and analysis to measure cycle time, defect rate, resources, productivity, and the quality involved in each process. This allows early detection of problems and informed decision-making for correct optimization of different areas.

4. Optimization and Continuous Improvement: Based on the collected data, BPM seeks to identify and monitor areas for improvement. Processes are adjusted and optimized continuously to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. In this stage, new proposals are usually applied to correct those that were not efficient.

Creatio's Low-Code BPM

Creatio's BPM software offers companies comprehensive transformation and solutions to facilitate collaborative development without the need for programming knowledge:

This platform contains a set of tools and capabilities to enable companies to model, automate, execute, and optimize processes. It contains a library of views, widgets, and predefined templates to easily design, organize, and modify data and information. It allows automation of workflows, case management, and real-time monetization. The platform is intuitive, easy to use, and navigate.

The main benefit of Creatio's BPM is the ability to design the interface without code or the need for programming knowledge. Creatio has a variety of applications, templates, connectors, and much more to use and have comprehensive management. It also allows the creation of reports and analysis for a complete and comprehensive view.


In conclusion, BPM is much more than a methodology; it is a holistic approach to business management that seeks to optimize every aspect and area of an organization. By addressing processes as the core of operations, BPM enables companies to achieve higher levels of efficiency, agility, and quality, paving the way for success in an ever-evolving business environment.

It is essential to apply technological innovations to stay up-to-date with platforms that help optimize, automate, and simplify business processes.

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