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Infrastructure Decisions: Cloud vs On-Premise | Blog | StarkCloud

Written by adminstark | Sep 11, 2024 4:05:08 PM

With technological advancements, many companies have opted to decentralize their resources and infrastructures to improve efficiency and reduce costs. However, some choose and prefer to maintain a local infrastructure for their systems.

In this article, we explore the infrastructure question by comparing Cloud Computing and On-Premise to determine which option is more suitable for different types of companies.

Cloud Computing: Flexibility and Cost Reduction

Cloud Computing, also known as cloud computing, is a model that offers services over the Internet, allowing access to computing resources managed by cloud service providers. This approach eliminates the dependency on local servers, as providers are responsible for administering and maintaining the infrastructure.

Cloud Computing Models

There are several models of cloud computing:

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud

Cloud Computing Services

Cloud Computing services and models evolve over time and are categorized as:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): A cloud computing model that provides companies with basic computing resources such as servers, storage, and networks over the Internet. Companies can rent these resources as needed without worrying about the physical management of the infrastructure.

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): A service that offers a complete platform for developing, managing, and delivering applications. Developers can focus on creating software without managing the underlying infrastructure, as the cloud provider takes care of that.

  • Software as a Service (SaaS): A model where software applications are delivered to users over the Internet. Users can access applications from any Internet-connected device without installing or maintaining the software on their own systems.

On-Premise: Total Control and Customization

The term "On-Premise" refers to the practice of companies maintaining their own IT and physical resources, such as computer systems, applications, servers, and data storage, within their own facilities.

This model offers significant advantages, such as customization capabilities and total control over the infrastructure, allowing adjustments according to specific needs at any given time. However, it presents challenges such as the need to invest capital and intensively manage the infrastructure.

This distinction is crucial when comparing Cloud Computing vs On-Premise. Cloud computing provides scalability, flexibility, and cost reduction by eliminating the need to invest in, maintain, and worry about local infrastructures.

Factors to Consider in the Decision

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is a term used to calculate and evaluate the total cost of acquiring, implementing, and maintaining a project. This concept includes both direct and indirect costs to provide a more global view of costs over time.

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Attributes

Here are some attributes considered when determining TCO:

  • Acquisition costs.
  • Implementation costs.
  • Operational costs.
  • Personnel costs.
  • Depreciation costs.
  • Obsolescence costs.

In this sense, Cloud Computing operates on a pay-per-use system, while On-Premise involves significant initial costs in infrastructure, licenses, and maintenance.

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Security and Compliance Requirements

We refer to the measures and standards companies must adopt to protect their data and systems, as well as comply with industry laws and regulations.


Cloud Computing: Security and Compliance

  • Certifications and Compliance: It is necessary to verify compliance with security standards when choosing a cloud service provider.
  • Infrastructure Security: Physical access control, intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and security monitoring.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Cloud service providers may include features designed to meet regulatory requirements.


On-Premise: Security and Compliance


  • Physical Security: The company is responsible for implementing security measures to protect its files and facilities.
  • Identity and Access Management: The company establishes identity and access management policies and controls to prevent leaks.
  • Regulatory Compliance: It is mandatory to comply with industry laws and regulations.

Future Evolution and Scalability

Evolution and scalability are very important in the Cloud Computing vs On-Premise comparison, as they present different characteristics.

Cloud Computing: Scalability and Flexibility

  • Unlimited Scalability: Allows resources to be increased or decreased instantly based on the company's needs.
  • Automatic Updates and Improvements: Without requiring company intervention.
  • Flexibility and Agility.

On-Premise: Control and Customization

  • Total control over the infrastructure: Allowing the company to fully customize and adjust the infrastructure.
  • Integration with legacy systems.
  • Greater control over long-term costs.

Conclusion: Which to Choose?

The choice between Cloud Computing and On-Premise depends on various factors and specific considerations of each company. There is no superior environment, as each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, companies should conduct thorough evaluations to make the right decision based on their objectives.

  • Cloud Computing: Provides greater scalability, agility, and significant cost savings.
  • On-Premise: Offers a higher level of control and customization, along with higher levels of security and the possibility of long-term cost-effectiveness.

Examples of Scenarios for Cloud and On-Premise

Cloud Computing

  • Growing companies.
  • Software development.
  • Companies with distributed teams.


  • Specific compliance requirements.
  • Critical business applications.
  • Total control over infrastructure.
  • Long-term cost prediction.

We also invite you to read other articles on our blog to continue understanding cloud computing and its advantages.


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