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Guide for Client Database Duplication and Approvals

Picture of adminstark

1. Navigate to CCC (https://ccc.starkcloud.com)

  – Navigate to 'Tenants' from the left-hand menu

2. Select the database you want to clone

  – Take note of the 'Service Unit' to which this database belongs

3. Click on 'Duplicate'

  – Click on 'Next'

  – Select the Service Unit noted in step 2; 'Next'

  – Tenant Name = Company Name

  – Database Name = name of the database under this scheme: "SBO_NAME_PROD/TEST"

4. Finish duplication

*** In cases where the Consulting team has requested the duplication of a database:

  – Navigate to 'Reseller Requests' from the left-hand menu

 Speak with the consultant and ensure that the database name is in the correct format

  Approve or reject the request

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